We are confident in our approach and are assured of a successful outcome; that is why we offer a free collection service. You only pay for your package; there are no other costs associated with the service. WIS applies the principle that you should never have to incur extra charges in order to recover money you are entitled to.
WIS specializes in recovering outstanding claims, with a high percentage (93%) of successfully concluded cases of amicable settlements.
All with no handling charges for you and with no commissions or other collection costs. Our motto is: collect successfully by direct actions with follow-up. So this means not sending a standard letter out once every three weeks, but contacting your debtor by phone shortly after the first letter, to achieve immediate results. We follow up all agreements made directly, and if necessary we take immediate measures. We work with an online system that you can submit your file to, and where you can see the latest state of play at all times.
As soon as we have recovered your claim, we settle it with you. You receive the invoice within three days, and within seven days the money is on your account. Instalment payments that we receive in pursuit of a payment scheme are remitted to you within 48 hours.
WIS represents your interests; that is why we want to be your reliable partner; transparent, effective and professional!